Hortus Recipe: Cod with organic spicy tomatoe, bed of onion and organic toasted hazelnut surprise

We present a delicious dish with contrasts of sweet and savory, made with our organic spicy tomatoe marmalade.
Ingredients for 2 people:
The cod confit:

  1. Place in a saucepan ½ liter of oil-only tour, bay leaf, pepper large.
  2. Heat the oil until it begins to boil, wait about 2 minutes (and will have achieved the temperature of 100-120 ° C) and enter the cod loins.
  3. Lower heat to medium heat and keep (the right is about 80 º C). Cod confit for about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool in the same bucket.

The onion confit:

  1. Peel and cut the onion into very thin julienne with a drizzle of olive oil onion confit over very low heat, and carefully stir continuously to prevent burning. Book.
The minced:

  1. Bone the black olives and tapenade types trincharlas to them. book
  2. Chop the hazelnuts to a fine mortar will have a fine paste, put it on a tray to go in the oven and roast for 2 minutes, until the temperature reduced to powder type.

  1. Add the onion to the bottom of the dish, sprinkle over the toasted hazelnut poles, remove the cod confit oil and put it on top. Spread with tomato jam preheated and finally garnish with black olive tapenade.
Extrated from:http://www.receptes.cat/recepta3407/bacalla_amb_melmelada_de_tomaquet_llit_de_ceba_confitada_i_sorpresa_davellana