Hortus Recipe: Cod of Easter with organic white onion “sofrito”

Bacallà de Pasqua amb rostit de cebaWe present a traditional recipe for this time of Easter, made with our organic white onion “sofrito”.

Ingredients (for 4 people):


  1. Put the cod in water and when desalting enharinamos and put it in the pan, fry it and put kitchen paper to release the oil.
  2. Oil in a pan will, we’ll take the tomato, garlic and chopped small when the sauce is done add the two tablespoons of organic white onion “sofrito”, let it be fried a bit and then put a little water.
  3. Peel the artichokes and put them in water with a little lemon juice, the enharinaremos and put in a pan to fry.
  4. In a saucepan over part will boil eggs and cooked when the pelaremos and depart in half, while in the pan will cod, boiled eggs that are halved, artichokes and peas cooked, it let it cook for fifteen minutes more, I’ll try to see how salt is and if it is at an all we can assume.

Extrated from: http://www.receptes.cat/recepta1477/bacalla_de_setmana_santa

Categorias: Hortus news, Hortus Recipes, Onion sauce.
