Noodles with organic romesco sauce


We present an easy recipe and I find it very flavorful with our organic romesco sauce.


  • 350 g of noodles in the number 1 or 2 ( best number 1, which is more easily lifted )
  • 1 squid
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 small green pepper
  • 1 liter of fish stock
  • Organic romesco sauce HORTUS APRODISCAe
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt


  1. You put in a pot to fry the sweet paprika with a little oil for a few seconds.
  2. Immediately you put the fish stock. Once start to boil reservadlo apart.
  3. In a skillet put the rice to fry, slowly and with a splash of oil, whole garlic cloves, unpeeled. When ye blond, are removed.
  4. Then, in the same oil you put the noodles and stir because you idlos evenly browned. A blond turn coladlos oil in a colander.
  5. Recovered oil and fry noodles make a sauce with onion, pepper and chopped small squid. When the sauce is browned, you add the noodles and toss the hot fish broth. The fire boil 5 minutes and then put another 7 minutes in the oven, because the noodles remain very rights.
  6. Served with a little organic romesco sauce.

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Categorias: Hortus news, Hortus Recipes, Romesco Sauce.
