Dumplings with roasted peppers and organic white onion “sofrito”

Crestes-amb-pebrot-i-rostit-de-ceba-ecoWe present a very delicate dumplings made ​​with our organic white onion “sofrito”.

Ingredients for 4 people:


  1. Wash and peel the peppers and chop the olives. Heat the oil in the pan and sauté the peppers, when tender add the olives, stir and finally add the tomato sauce and organic whit onion “sofrito”.
  2. We extend the wafers on a floured surface and place in the center of each portion of dough a bit of previous fill, fold the dough in half so that it is a crescent, and join the edges.
  3. We place the dumplings on lightly oiled baking tray and cook at 180 ° C for 20 minutes. You can also fry, instead of cooking in the oven.
Categorias: Hortus news, Hortus Recipes, Onion sauce.
