We present fantastic croquettes made with our organic white onion “sofrito” Ingredients:
Extrated from: http://www.llepadits.com/2009/11/croquetes-darros-integral-pastanaga-i-ceba/ |
For the second consecutive year the project will be in APRODISCAe HORTUS CONAMA 2012 National Environment Conference to be held on 26 to 30 November. On the 29th there will be a presentation by Anna Mas our project coordinator.
During the days of the congress can taste our organic products in Hall 10 at booth Green Jobs.
One of the novelties of Conama 2012 is the creation of a counseling and employment-centered thinking “green” and entrepreneurs in the environmental sector, coordinated by the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) and CONAMA Foundation and funded by European Social Fund (ESF). This area, called “Green Jobs Conama Space EOI” occupy a specific area of the Municipal Conference Centre in Madrid. There, the participants in the meeting will follow a special program formats habituals something different to and participate in small group reflections and interviews with experts maintain per advice.
This is the second time that collaborate EOI (Public Foundation of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism) and CONAMA Foundation to improve care for entrepreneurs and those seeking work in the environmental sector. Last year, the business school took its “advisory space” to the local congress oraganizado by CONAMA Foundation in Vitoria, in the boot of the city as European Green Capital. Following the success of that occasion, now released to Congress this “Space-EOI Conama Green Jobs”, where both organizations work even more closely. All these activities have been made possible thanks to the collaboration between EOI, Conama Foundation and the working groups and technical committees Conama 2012 and the Biodiversity Foundation including activities under Emprendeverde network. |
![]() We present a delicious dish with contrasts of sweet and savory, made with our organic spicy tomatoe marmalade.
Ingredients for 2 people:
The cod confit:
The onion confit:
The minced:
Extrated from:http://www.receptes.cat/recepta3407/bacalla_amb_melmelada_de_tomaquet_llit_de_ceba_confitada_i_sorpresa_davellana
We offer the ability to do the detail to your liking, adapting to your budget. Details created awareness |
![]() The Council organized and convened a photography Competition from June to September, which was aimed at all registered CCPAE operators. In addition the Council accepted the participation of professionals or amateurs although they were not enrolled but interested to participate. All photographs central topic had to be organic farming, and exploitation, the surface, the plant variety, breed animal, food or product photographed had to be certified by the CCPAE. This initiative, which has reached its second edition, is to encourage the participation of the organic sector in the annual calendar settings and reward those initiatives that the organic farming extend to the territory. Over one hundred photographs submitted and the jury has chosen twelve awarded to each month of the year. JANUARY – Posta de sol. Ana Martínez Abril. Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Alt Penedès).
FEBRUARY – Porc en ple bany. Cal Monegal. La Pobla de Segur (Pallars Jussà).
MARCH – Futur. Rosa Maria Alonso Garcia. Sant Vicenç de Castellet (Montserrat).
APRIL – Primeres roselles. Aida Macarro Fuentes. Santa Margarida de Montbui (L’Anoia).
MAY – Marieta amb pugons. María José Domínguez Rodríguez. El Perelló (Baix Ebre).
JUNE – Tomàquet de la creu. Júlia Galí Tàpias. Santa Maria de Palautordera (Vallès Oriental).
JULY – Punt segur. Roser Jiménez. La Garrotxa.
AUGUST – Nous madurant. Francesc Montañés Tarin. Els Reguers, Tortosa (Baix Ebre).
SEPTEMBER – Copa i raïm. Pere Padilla Garcia. Can Ferrer de la Cogullada, Montmell (Baix Penedès).
OCTOBRE – Col arrissada. Júlia Galí Tàpias. Cànoves i Samalús (Vallès Oriental).
NOVEMBER – Tornem a casa. Marta Boleda Montpart. Pobellà, La Torre de Cabdella (Pallars Jussà).
DECEMBER – La bellesa de les olives. Hortus Aprodiscae. Montblanc (Conca de Barberà).