Since Christmas comes and with it also comes a spiral around us making consumer very often buy products that do not need it, so do not use it. Moreover, often end up spending more money in our pockets that can support … And under the influence of commercials, we risk falling into the trap of reducing the indiscriminate buying Christmas gifts. But the euphoria generated by passing bought or received a gift, fade and become void if there is anything else, if the event did not materialize acompanayat something to the Christmas spirit of love and solidarity. Christmas, therefore, becomes a perfect opportunity to reflect on our consumption habits. In Hortus APRODISCAe also think we have to get our responsible consumption and we”ve taken some actions that can help us and that we share as follows:
Gandhi said: “If you want to change the world, canvia”t yourself.” And we can make our actions, together with those of other people, are designed to make the world a better, fairer, more caring, more sustainable. A good Christmas wish that today we share with this writing. |
On 2 December 2010 was held on Corporate Volunteer Day in Abertis focused on sensitizing people on disability. During the day conferences were held, there were initiatives of solidarity for workers and institutional level, and installed a charity fair where various associations and foundations have to sell products from their sheltered work, mostly made up of people with disabilities. Hortus APRODISCAe participated with a stall where Xenia, Anna and Karen sold homemade organic food: orange marmalade, tomato jam, nuts, olives, salsa romesco … The workers Abertis over taste and buy our products could learn about our social project, raising awareness of the importance of promoting quality of life and social integration and employment of persons with disabilities intellectual, mental illness and / or social exclusion. Abertis applaud this initiative as positive for all participants: company, employees, NGO participants and their users. |