Noodles with Hortus spicy tomato mermelade


If you like cooking and you are on vacation can be a great time to learn how to make fresh pasta, natural and homemade.

Ingredients (2-4 people):
For the homemade pasta (you can also buy fresh pasta):
250 grams of flour
3 eggs
1 egg yolk
extra virgin olive oil

For the sauce:
8 black olives
4 anchovies in oil
HORTUS Spicy Tomato Mermelade.

To make the homemade pasta, place the flour in a bowl and add 3 eggs and 1 egg yolk and season. Add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and mix well. Knead with your hands on a floured surface until smooth and let stand for 30-45 minutes covered with a damp cloth. Stretch the dough, cut it into strips and put them to cook in a saucepan with plenty of salted water for 2 minutes. Drip them
To complete the sauce, add the anchovies, breaks-with a fork. Stir in olives and add some oregano. Mix homemade pasta with spicy tomato jam and add the grated cheese. Serve the noodles in a bowl and sprinkle with a little chopped parsley.

Categorias: Hortus Recipes, Spicy Tomatoe Mermelade.
