Hortus Recipe: Casserole brandade of cod with organic spicy tomatoe marmalade

cassoleta de brandada de bacallà amb mel de tomaquetToday I propose a recipe a little more laborious but with a fantastic result with our Organic Spicy Tomatoe Marmalade.



  1. We started preparing the ramekins, stretching the pastry and titrated in small molds. We put it in the oven for 7-10 minutes at 180 ° C and the reserve.
  2. Then, the flesh split cod skin. We’ll take this skin and cut it into strips. It gently and doraremos enharinaremos the pan with a little oil, until catch roast color. The fire will draw and place them on paper because lose absorbing excess oil.
  3. Then desmenuzaremos cod and put it in a escorredor to lose excess desalinated water. In a skillet, we will undo the butter, add the flour, a pinch of salt and we will incorporate the milk, slowly, to make a bechamel. When either thick add a little shredded cod.
  4. Finally, add the pine nuts and will remove vigorously until smooth.
  5. We’ll leave it to cool slightly and then begin to prepare the casserole. In the background, the brandade.
  6. Above, the spicy tomato marmalade and, to crown, strips of crispy cod skin. Try serving it without putting it in the fridge, because everything is very crispy cod skin both as pastry casserole.

Extrated from: http://tapatdetapes.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/cassoleta-de-brandada-amb-melmelada-de.html

Categorias: Hortus news, Spicy Tomatoe Mermelade.
