Hortus Recipe: Salad with organic orange marmalade vinaigrette

We present a salad with lots of color and easy to make, along with a vinaigrette made with our Organic Orange Marmalade.

Ingredients: (for 2 people):

  • 250g. desalted cod
  • 140g. of green beans
  • 2 slices of melon balls given either
  • 1 orange
  • 1 handful of seeds and green pipes or a handful of nuts or some other nut
  • 3 tablespoons organic orange marmalade HORTUS APRODISCAe
  • Extra virgin olive oil (the need for being too emulsified vinaigrette)


  1. Put water to boil and add the green beans for about 10 minutes. Once al dente quickly put the pot in cold water to prevent these lose their color.
  2. Cut or tear the cod.
  3. Cut the melon into cubes or balls do.
  4. Peel orange and cut into longitudinal sections and then make dice.
  5. To prepare the vinaigrette mix with orange marmalade blender echo and virgin olive oil.
  6. To make the dish assembly have all the ingredients in bowls, add a few pips or seeds above and aliñamos with vinaigrette.

Extrated from: http://courecoulants.blogspot.com.es/2012/07/amanida-de-bacalla-amb-taronja-i.html

Categorias: Hortus Recipes, Orange Mermelade.
